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A Foundation fighting for Autism and Neurodiversity Acceptance, Inclusion, and Education


The purpose and goals of ROCCOSJOURNEY:

ROCCOSJOURNEY not only fights for Autism and Neurodiversity education, but also inclusion and acceptance. We are partners with Chuck E Cheese and host a monthly sensory event once a month during their Sensory Sunday's. We also fund after school events for children who can't participate in school organized events. Our hope is not only to continue and create sensory and inclusive events but bring together so much more... 
  • Work with the school system on improving programs and building parental support groups

  • Create safe places and times for Special Needs families (all ages) to go and enjoy fundamentals outside the home, i.e.  Early Hour at the zoo, Quiet time at the Aquarium, Gym time,  down hour at Target, etc.

  • Host sensory-friendly events that help bring awareness into the community and create acceptance of diversity

  • Work with law enforcement to help provide and lead training sessions in recognizing high risk autism-related contacts and safety in the community

  • Advocate for families that do not have the funds or the means to protect their children in the system

  • Develop and build with Unified Sports a team within more school districts to involve more children with coordinated sports 

  • If you are looking for advocacy from ROCCOSJOURNEY please visit the SERVICES page or on the HOMPAGE send us a message!

While we have attained several of these goals that does not mean we won't strive to do better and continue working to improve. Thank you to all who not only volunteer your time but help with donations. You are making a difference!





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